Monday 15 July 2024

Why I Wrote This Book

For over 35 years, I have immersed myself in the profound world of Anthroposophy and the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. This journey began quite unexpectedly when I stumbled upon one of Steiner's books. Intrigued by its contents, I delved deeper, seeking pragmatic explanations of how spiritual worlds influence our material existence. Like many, I found traditional religious frameworks to be dogmatic and outdated, so I sought something more sensible and relevant to navigating life's challenges. Anthroposophy offered me that framework.

My life has been a tapestry of significant challenges, including experiencing the war in my birth country, leaving amidst a devastating civil war, and starting anew in the UK at the age of 28. I left behind my job, friends, and family, witnessing the disintegration of my world and the fading of hopes. Rebuilding my life from scratch was a monumental task. I pursued education, found work, got married, and became a father. Then came another upheaval—my divorce—which forced me to start over yet again.

During these tumultuous times, I rediscovered Anthroposophy. I stumbled upon a charming bookshop near Baker Street in London and began attending a weekly book club, where I met new friends. The most influential among them was Philip Martyn, the then General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society of Great Britain. Philip, who became my mentor and friend, was an extraordinary example of a spiritually grounded individual thriving in the "real" world. As a successful lawyer and legal counsel to a major Japanese global investment bank, he navigated the corporate world with integrity, sharp perception of reality and immense wisdom. His passing a few years ago was a profound loss, but I remain eternally grateful for the knowledge and guidance he shared with me.

Philip's influence and my experiences led me to write this book. My aim is to make Anthroposophical teachings accessible and practical for everyday life. Rudolf Steiner's insights offer profound wisdom for understanding the spiritual dimensions of our existence and navigating the challenges we face. However, many of Steiner's texts are dense and complex, requiring significant effort and time to understand. During my years of attending book club meetings at the Steiner House near Baker Street in London, we often found ourselves poring over Steiner's books repeatedly to grasp even a fraction of their depth.

I remember the countless discussions we had about karma, trying to comprehend its intricacies. These conversations, while challenging, were enlightening and helped me gain a deeper understanding of Steiner's teachings. I realized that many people, like myself, needed a more approachable guide to Anthroposophy. My goal with this book is to bridge that gap, providing an easier-to-understand format that retains the essence of Steiner's profound insights.

I am not an expert, but I believe that my experiences and struggles with understanding Anthroposophy have given me a unique perspective. I can recall what was interesting yet complex and where I initially needed help. By sharing my journey and insights, I hope to make Steiner's teachings more accessible to others who are on a similar path of discovery.

This book aims to serve several purposes. Firstly, it is a guide for those new to Anthroposophy, offering a foundational understanding of its key concepts and principles. Secondly, it provides a deeper exploration for those already familiar with Steiner's work, delving into the roles of the Christ, Luciferic, and Ahrimanic impulses in shaping our world. These spiritual impulses influence our thoughts, actions, and societal developments, and understanding them can help us navigate life's complexities with greater wisdom and balance.

Additionally, this book seeks to demonstrate the practical applications of Anthroposophy in daily life. From biodynamic agriculture and Waldorf education to Anthroposophical medicine and artistic therapies, Steiner's teachings offer valuable insights for holistic living. By integrating these practices into our lives, we can foster personal growth, resilience, and a deeper connection to the spiritual world.

I also hope this book will inspire readers to engage with Anthroposophy in their communities. Whether through joining study groups, attending lectures, or participating in spiritual practices, connecting with like-minded individuals can provide support and encouragement on the journey of spiritual growth. Sharing experiences and learning from others can enrich our understanding and help us apply Steiner's teachings more effectively.

Ultimately, my hope is that this book will help readers develop a balanced and harmonious approach to life. By recognizing and integrating the influences of the Christ, Luciferic, and Ahrimanic impulses, we can strive for a more spiritually enriched existence. This balance not only enhances our personal well-being but also contributes positively to the collective well-being of humanity.

I invite you to explore "Anthroposophy for Everyday Life: Living with Spiritual Awareness," available on Amazon in e-book for Kindle and paperback. Whether you are new to Anthroposophy or seeking to deepen your understanding, I hope this book will provide valuable insights and practical tools for your spiritual journey.

Get your copy here:

Join me in discovering the transformative power of  Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner's teachings and their relevance to our modern lives.